Schinoussa Hotels
Schinoussa Hotels: The region's tourist infrastructure includes hotels for different taste and budget. You can choose among hotels, rooms and apartments for rent or guest houses. Most of them offer all the amenities needed for a comfortable stay. The prices depend on the type of accommodation. In Touristorama you'll find everything you need to organise your trip there: map, useful phone numbers, pictures, overviews and many more... Have a look before you go on with a booking
Hardly 1 km from the harbor at the end of village, dominates the hospitable group Meltemi. In a green...Livadi Rooms
Within walking distance from the Livadi beach, the Livadi rooms claim to be the ideal choice for your...Charama Rooms
In Charama, the staff of the hotel is at your disposal, in order to cover your needs for relaxing holidays....