Sights of Interest in Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus
06-03-2013 17:41The Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens stands beside the monumental Hadrian’s arch in close proximity of the picturesque district of Plaka and the New Acropolis Museum. From this colossal temple, only sixteen magnificent columns survive out of the original 104 columns.
The Parthenon is generally accepted as the most important expression of Greek architecture and one of the most influential buildings of all times. Yet, the temple of Parthenon is by no means the largest Greek temple. The Temple of Olympian Zeus is the largest temple constructed in Greece.
This majestic temple was started getting constructed by the tyrant Peisistratos in 515 BC. After his fall of the power, the democratic Athenians refused to finish the temple as they saw it as a monument to a hated tyrant. The work was taken over by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Seleucids, in 174 BC, but it stopped with his death in 163 BC. The temple was finally completed by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 124 AD. In order to thank him for finishing it, the Athenians built a two-storey arch next to the temple, whose inscription announces Hadrian’s claim on the city, dividing Athens between Greek hero Theseus and Hadrian.
Inside the Olympieion stood two colossal gold and ivory statues: one of the mighty god Zeus and one of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The Temple of Olympian Zeus is a great example of Corinthian order in Greece, made of Pentelic marble. It measured just over 110 meters long and more than 43 meters wide, with three rows of eight columns each across the front and two rows down the long sides of twenty columns each, 104 columns in all.
Ancient authors suggest that the central part of the temple was to be open to the sky. The scale and plan made the temple the match of the other enormous temples of the Greek world, the ones at Samos, Ephesos, and Miletos.
Other important monuments of the site are the Doric temple of Apollo Delphinios, the Delphinion Court, the gates of the Themistoclean Wall, the temple of Panhellenic Zeus and the small temple of Kronos and Rea. The archaeological site is part of the sites that can be visited with the general admission ticket.
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