The name RIRA refers since old times to a region above the village of Neratzies Aigiou, high above the tourist resorts of Logos and Selianitika at the coastal zone of Aigialeia. Dear friends and wine lovers, welcome to the website of RIRA vineyards .
We will guide you through the 250 (ACRES) of our vineyard that lies on the slopes of the hills of Aigialeia, gazing the Corinthian Gulf from above.
There, with a great view over the sea and inland, we cultivate 15 Hellenic and international grape varieties. Our Wines are made out of these grapes for which we will talk about and will invite you to try.
We will suggest flavours, we will help to lay your table, you will learn secrets and we will reveal to you the wonders that we experience on a daily basis.
If you are interested, you will decide to give them a try. Or even better, you will come to visit us, too. The vineyard is open to visitors and leaves the visitor speechless with the unique images it offers to the north and south, east and west as it covers the entire ridge of the hill on which it is planted. Follow us on this path. We guarantee that the effort is worth it.
About Us
Panagiotis Tsitsas,owner and soul of RIRA vineyards, first learnt to love and appreciate the good wine as a worldwide consumer (travelled). To turn this whole experience and passion into reality, he dreamed of growing his own vineyard in his birthplace - the region of Aigialeia.
It was shortly after then that Greece entered the modern era of wine making. Panagiotis Tsitsas came to fulfil his project of planting a vineyard a few years ago- a jewel in the heart of a qualified vine and wine growing region, the Slopes of Aigialia. The aim of the producer is to reveal - through the creation of both varietal and blended wines - the enormous potential of the Greek vineyard. The result: two pairs of very special wines: the white and red Aigialos(both witnesses of the origin), the white and redBond(a reflection of the strong personality of their creator), along with a robust Chardonnay (CONCERT), next to a tender rose (2 ROSES) .
The producer highly recommends them, with a lot of respect for the consumer and awaits your opinion.
Our Philosophy
All of us who work here, at RIRA Vineyards , tried to see the vine as a "human being" from the beginning.
We spent a lot of time inside the vineyard just watching the vines and we discovered, in each one of them, a man that grows up with us, confronts difficulties - just like us - rejoices or suffers from the prevailing environmental conditions, demands sometimes, learns to compromise some others and tries to live and create. It is because we are very much alike, that we and the vine manage to survive in the same environment. Guided by this belief, we try to understand its language and act "for its own good ".
At RIRA, we saw that a blessed territory marks everything that grows in it with its particular colors and eventually makes it a part of itself. So we brought indigenous and international grape varieties together and we successfully married them in our wines. It is our firm belief, that a international consumer is better approached when there’s a common point of reference between him and Greece.
This common point of reference is a world famous variety that will act as an ambassador and a carrier on which the local varieties will travel far so that the inexhaustible potential of the Greek vineyard can be revealed to those for whom it still remains unknown. the talent of a small place and its microclimate to assimilate and dominate on a vine that comes from a foreign country will also be revealed , ensuring that the wines resulting from this combination will receive the title of Protected Geographical Indication of Peloponnese.
All of us at RIRA believe that a wine of the highest quality should be accessible to everyone, without an exaggerated look, without unnecessary words, without an expensive price. We keep the bottles in excellent storage conditions in a fully air-conditioned space until they leave the cellar. The results are justifying our efforts. A rain of Gold medals in 2013. Awards at international competitions and very good reviews from everybody.